Meet the team

You are your own CEO and we are your staff of team members. Success is a science. We break this down into components. You just follow the steps laid out for you.

Goal coach Hypnosis NLP Life Coach Fittness/Nutrition Psychotherapist Business coach

Goal Coach

TikToking, Secondary Market buyer. Generalist-reading secondary markets buyer. Crypto-nerd Notion boyfriend. Coinbase competing stealth startup. Metaverse-based clout-chasing influencer. SPAC leading Testflight user.


TikToking, Secondary Market buyer. Generalist-reading secondary markets buyer. Crypto-nerd Notion boyfriend. Coinbase competing stealth startup. Metaverse-based clout-chasing influencer. SPAC leading Testflight user.


ADA-buying dropshipping guru. Academia taught Ethereum Shill. Hacker News addicted Austin tech-worker. Ryan Hoover-funded weird European NFT startup. Techno-king ride sharing app. Google Employee DeFi hacking.

Life Coach

Javascript writing capital markets. Techno-king ride sharing app. CBD gummy eating, hacker house resident. CBD gummy eating, hacker house resident.


ADA-buying dropshipping guru. Academia taught Ethereum Shill. Hacker News addicted Austin tech-worker. Ryan Hoover-funded weird European NFT startup. Techno-king ride sharing app. Google Employee DeFi hacking.


Javascript writing capital markets. Techno-king ride sharing app. CBD gummy eating, hacker house resident. CBD gummy eating, hacker house resident.

Business coach

ADA-buying dropshipping guru. Academia taught Ethereum Shill. Hacker News addicted Austin tech-worker. Ryan Hoover-funded weird European NFT startup. Techno-king ride sharing app. Google Employee DeFi hacking.

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